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Enamel Pins Marketing Strategy - Completed Guide


March 04, 2024

The marketing strategy for your enamel pin business is just as crucial as the process of designing and creating the pins themselves. However, if you are new to selling enamel pins, the task of developing a marketing strategy can feel overwhelming.

But worry not! With the right approach, creating an effective marketing strategy for your enamel pins can be a straightforward process. In this post, I will guide you through the key considerations when developing your marketing strategy for enamel pins.
Let's begin our journey towards a successful marketing strategy.

Marketing Budget 

One of the crucial steps in creating your enamel pin marketing strategy is establishing your marketing budget. This step holds immense significance as it requires careful consideration of your enamel pin business goals and the various marketing strategies available to you.
When determining your budget, it is essential to align it with your specific objectives and the potential marketing avenues you can explore.


Common enamel pin business goals include: 

  • Increasing sales 
  • Generating leads 
  • Building subscriber list 
  • Improving brand awareness 


Understanding your business's goals will help you determine which marketing strategies should be a part of your strategy. 


Some marketing strategies that you can use to enhance your enamel pin business include: 


Once you have a clear understanding of your goals, you can proceed to determine your marketing budget. It's important to note that different goals require different marketing approaches. For instance, if your objective is to generate new leads, email marketing may not be the most effective strategy. In this case, investing in paid advertising or social media marketing would yield better results in terms of lead generation.
By aligning your marketing budget with your specific goals and selecting the most suitable marketing methods, you can maximize the effectiveness of your enamel pin marketing strategy.

Undestand Internet Trends

Understanding online trends will help you make an informed decision when choosing your marketing strategy. 


Understanding current online trends such as the growing presence of mobile devices, online streaming services, popular social media platforms, and growing online markets or untapped online customers. 


To take full advantage of internet trends, you need to understand your enamel pin niche and your customers. 


When choosing your marketing strategy, there are several key internet trends you should keep in mind: 

1.Mobile use and internet consumption is on the rise. As a result, any online content or advertising your pay for should be optimized for mobile consumption. 


2.People are moving away from their TV and streaming movies, sports, and TV shows more often than ever. Use this to your advantage by targeting streaming platforms such as Netflix, Youtube, Hulu, and other platforms. 


3.Always stay up to date on the latest social media trends and social media platforms. Take into consideration your customer base and what platform they are likely to use. For example, if your customer base is older, you might want to target platforms such as Facebook and Pinterest. On the other hand, if your customers are younger, you might want to target Tik Tok and Instagram platforms.


4.Internet is the future and present of marketing. Internet usage and internet users are rising at an alarming rate. You want to make sure that your marketing strategies are centered around the devices and platforms that people are using today and in the future. For example, according to Digital Information World, 4.2 billion people have an online presence, and 3.4 billion people are active on social media. 


5.Don't rely on paid advertisement; building organic awareness and leads will keep you relevant long term, especially as ad-blocking software is on the rise around the world. 

Voice Search 

Incorporating voice search optimization into your enamel pin marketing strategy is crucial as voice searches continue to gain prominence. It presents a significant marketing opportunity to enhance your enamel pin business.

Reports indicate that 50% of all searches are now conducted through voice commands. Moreover, 58% of individuals utilize voice search to gather information about local businesses.
Research suggests that mobile voice searches are particularly prevalent for local inquiries. This becomes vital when aiming to increase leads or sales within your local area. Strategically targeting region-specific keywords related to enamel pins can significantly improve your SEO performance.
For instance, incorporating voice search keywords such as "enamel pins near me," "custom enamel pins near me," or "enamel pin store" into your enamel pin marketing strategy can yield favorable results.
To effectively target voice search, you can opt for two approaches within your marketing strategy. Firstly, focus on creating original and search engine optimized content that caters to voice search queries. Secondly, consider utilizing paid advertising campaigns to specifically target keywords commonly used in voice searches.
Voice search queries often take the form of questions, as people tend to speak more naturally, akin to conversing with a friend. In contrast, traditional searches tend to be concise and straightforward.
When developing content for voice search optimization, it is essential to provide concise and informative answers to address users' questions effectively.

Mobile Marketing 

The undeniable truth is that smartphone usage and internet consumption are experiencing significant growth. Our smartphones have become constant companions, serving a multitude of purposes in our daily lives.

When devising your enamel pin marketing strategy, it is imperative to include mobile marketing as a core component.
There are valuable mobile insights that you can leverage to your advantage. For instance, according to Comscore, 80% of individuals utilize their mobile devices for shopping purposes. Additionally, almost 96% of mobile search traffic is directed through Google.
These findings present significant opportunities for your enamel pin business. It is crucial to optimize your content, online store, and advertisements for seamless mobile consumption.
With mobile consumption becoming increasingly prevalent, ensuring that your enamel pin marketing strategy is tailored for mobile optimization has become more crucial than ever.

Improve Your Ecommerce Presence 

The growth of ecommerce is undeniable and will continue to flourish as online shopping becomes increasingly secure and convenient. According to Statista, online sales accounted for 14% of global retail sales in 2019, and this figure is projected to rise to 22% by 2023. Additionally, it is anticipated that ecommerce sales will double during this time period.

These statistics provide compelling evidence for you to embark on developing an online store for your enamel pins or to initiate selling your enamel pins online.
Enamel pins present an ideal product for online sales due to their limited availability in local markets. As a result, many consumers turn to online platforms to find the enamel pins they desire.
To enhance your enamel pin marketing strategy, it is imperative to venture into the realm of online sales. Establishing an online store will allow you to tap into the growing ecommerce market and reach a wider audience of enamel pin enthusiasts.


When creating your online store or when listing our products online, you want to follow a few tips to make your store accessible to your consumers. 


  • Online stores should be optimized for mobile use and maintain good standing with googles web core vitals. This will ensure that your website is fast, ideally under three seconds, to reduce your bounce rate. 
  • Offer free shipping if possible. Consumers are more likely to make a purchase online if shipping is free. 
  • Be as transparent as possible about fees and the cost of your product. 66% of shoppers claim they will cancel a transaction if there is a hidden fee. 
  • Use cart abandonment software to improve our conversion. Approximately 70% of consumers abandon their cart. It's important to follow up with your consumers and optimize your check-out design for sales. 
  • Offer both PayPal and credit card payment options. 


●Offer an app version of your eCommerce store or sell your enamel pins on platforms that offer mobile apps. 

Keep your customerse Engaged. 

For your marketing strategy to be effective, you must keep your customers engaged and develop trust with your customers. 


Without these two aspects, your marketing strategies will not be as effective as they could. 


There are several things you can do to maintain your customer's attention: 


  • Video content is more engaging. According to Insivia, people can remember up to 95% of information from a video while they only remember 10% of information from text. 
  • Value your customers and only produce content that keeps them entertained and engaged. 
  • Keep content concise, skimmable, and easy to read. 
  • Send personalized emails that cater to specific segments of your audience. This will improve your click rate and conversion. For example, send unique emails to females who bought your enamel pins, people who bought custom enamel pins, and people who bought a particular style of enamel pins. This will help you target your customer's needs and keep them engaged. 
  • Respond to your customers in a timely manner. This includes social media, eCommerce platforms, or your own website. Around 40% of people expect a response to a complaint in 60 minutes. Strive to meet these expectations to keep your customers happy. 

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Article written by

Ryan Johnson

At Vivipins create hats, we trust that Hats should express the wearer’s unique personality. 

Our team, headed by me, is dedicated to designing top-quality Hats that are more than just function. We are here to transform your vision into reality through innovative patterns and meticulous stitching. We help you tell your story through bold colors, intricate designs, and bespoke embellishments.

We aim to ensure the process is smooth and satisfying, whether recommending ideal materials, design suggestions, or providing knowledgeable guidance. 

 This introduction invites our loyal clients to explore the limitless possibilities of custom headgear rather than only providing a sneak peek at what we offer—allowing them to witness the commitment, enthusiasm, and knowledge that define Vivipins' Custom Hats. Let's collectively adorn the world with distinctive expressions, one hat at a time.

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