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Why Great Managers Rare


March 04, 2024

Image Source: https://tlncglobal.com/great-managers-are-rare/


Being a great manager is no easy task; it requires a balance of being a boss and friend. Yet, they are an important role that has to be filled for the company to run smoothly. If a manager fails to carry out duties and burns out, it could be detrimental to the company!


Perhaps you are a manager who is trying to be a better version of yourself. If that is the case, you are in the right place. Today we will be discussing 10 statistics that you need to know to be a great manager!


Research Shows That 69% of Managers Feel Uncomfortable Talking with Employees

With managers being the bridge between the higherups and their employees, communication is pivotally important!


Thus, the statistics are shocking, to say the least, since many managers do not communicate openly with employees. So, if people and companies improve when obtaining expectations and feedback, why is communication an issue?


Many managers contribute to the fear of stirring up tension and drama in the workplace. In fact, 37% of U.S. corporate leaders confessed to being uneasy when giving criticism to their employees. Many fears creating tension directly and vastly prefer to communicate through emails.


Often managers feel the urge to push urgent matters under the rug, to ease the tension. However, this could mean the downfall of a company if unaddressed. Other communication topics that managers feel uneasy with are:


  ●   Revealing vulnerability (20%)

  ●   Giving props to other people (16%)


Recognizing an employee’s hard work (20%)


75% of Employees Confess that Their Manager is Worst Part When Working

Image Source: https://thriveglobal.com/stories/how-to-deal-with-a-toxic-boss/


Managers are the face of the higherups for prospective departments, thus commands often go through them. It means any criticism and issues are funneled through the manager to get to the employees. Balancing a good work relationship and association is crucial to preventing burnout and depression.


It is shockingly revealed that 3 out of 4 employees have a negative experience with their managers!


Most employees contribute their hatred to horrible management, making them feel trapped, unable to do something they love. Many employees feel unheard when working; often, the feedback isn’t taken seriously or goes unrecognized.


Other than that, as an employee, you must feel somewhat attached to the work you are doing, right? Yes, that is true to the gravest degree.


Employees have expressed frustration with managers who “power trip” and do not take their work seriously. It ultimately leads to employees who are disengaged and bored.


Surveys Reveal Collectively 65% of Managers Feel Disengaged from Their Job

Based on an article done by Gallup, a measly 35% of managers actually care about their jobs actively.


If you take into consideration that managers are influencing the workspace productivity, this is a real issue! When working with a disengaged manager, many feel frustration and stress doing projects.


As many employees define their self-worth through their work, going unrecognized turns into anger and frustration eventually. Through the survey conducted by Gallup, 51% is not engaged, and 14% is actively disengaged!


Employees have even seen managers skip out on work without a valid reason. It is often done in big companies, where it goes undetected. Employees observing will start getting unmotivated.


So, how do we avoid disengagement as managers? Well, finding a passion for the job you are doing is key in this case. You can research and find appreciation for the work you are doing; it will inevitably translate to the employees!


87% of Companies Confess They Do Not Develop Leaders At All Levels Flawlessly!

Image Source: https://www.educba.com/how-to-develop-leadership-competencies/


In a study by Deloitte, only 13% of organizations feel they are doing a flawless job developing managers. This result from the survey is the most significant “gap of readiness” in all other surveys done by Deloitte.


As you know, the “excellent” development of leaders and managers should be the top priority in a company.


It is because they are a vital part of a company’s pipeline structure. Yet, with that being said, many organizations still encounter leadership gaps in the company at almost every level!


A majority of companies surveyed believe this is due to the lack of adequate development programs for managers. In fact, many leadership development-programs do not even include involvement of the executives of the company.


Job training is essential to making a well-balanced work environment, but many companies are failing to do so. It creates a gap in understanding between the executives and the storefront employees.


33.4% of Employees Believe that Their Manager Picks Favorites

Employees get the not-so-good end of the deal if they get pinned with a manager they don’t like. Often, working environments turn sour and political if a toxic manager is in charge. A staggering percentage of 33.4% of employees feel their manager is biased when working.


Despite a big corporation’s efforts to build work morale and bonds, the gap is only getting bigger.


Many employees believe their managers undermine them and take credit for work, which is absolutely unheard of! Besides this, many have talked about how managers often lead or take part in bullying culture!


Employees have also expressed that managers often do not credit them for work. If that is so, how can you stop perpetuating the cycle?


The answer is quite simple; as a manager, you should be actively listening and taking feedback. Many employees appreciate it when managers have open communication and talk with them openly.


79% of Employees Left Their Jobs Due to the Lack of Recognition!

Image Source: Employer News :Lack of Recognition is Biggest Barrier to Engagement for British Workers


When talking about “lack of appreciation,” it’s surprising that it is the main reason employees left their jobs. The reason has stumped the far graver issues like pay or benefits of the job, but why?


Employees often felt unheard; they felt their managers failed to recognize their talents and failed to give praise. It makes the employees feel even more inferior to the managers, creating employee dissatisfaction in the company.


How do you fix your work culture that lacks appreciation and recognition then? Well, biweekly or monthly meetings are pivotal in many cases like these. It creates a chance for open communication between boss and employee!


Frequently talking with employees, even about trivial things like life and family, could help build bonds.


After doing this, many managers find that employees become more open and seek advice from them afterward. So, why not implement a talk with your department employees?


An Overwhelming 65% of Employees See Advancement Opportunities as a Crucial Part when Searching for A Job!

As a manager, you are in charge of hiring employees who can bring something to the table. So, you need to know what makes job offers more appealing to someone who is a quality worker.


Surprisingly, after all these years, advancement opportunities are still a significant factor that job seekers sought for!


Many see a job opportunity as a way to gain a steady income long term while getting promotions.


So, needless to say, that short-term jobs are more likely to attract fewer quality employees who are disengaged. You should be striving to get the cream of the crop for your company as a manager.


Well, with all that being said, how do you do so? It is relatively simple, picture yourself as a job seeker, what would appeal to you? You should be including job opportunities and benefits based on the feedback you get in the office!


Companies That Have Engaged Employees Generate 2.5x More Revenue!

Image Source: https://www.bamboohr.com/blog/major-benefits-employee-engagement/


Did you know that employee turnover isn’t related to the pay most of the time? In fact, even though 89% of employers feel employees leave for higher pay, only 12% actually do. Surveys have revealed that most people do not go to work just purely for the paycheck!


Most employees value passion for work and a friendly work environment than salary. As a manager, it should be your duty that the office maintains a healthy work environment. To do so, you should be actively conversating with your employees with mutual respect.


Even though many companies keep emphasizing the importance of leadership and managers. It still seems inadequate despite the efforts.


In most cases, managing employees through respect work far better than through fear. It makes the employee create a positive association to work, making them more passionate when working! Efficient employees get stuff done drastically faster than disengaged ones.


81% of Employees Have Reported that Having Trained Managers Caused Them to be More Engaged in Work!

Being managers are not easy; you get criticized a lot, but when done correctly, the results are amazing.


When companies bring a new approach to training their managers, it resulted in a soar in sales. It was reported as 70% decrease in turnover, 71% increase in customer satisfaction, and 114% increase in sales!


With the stakes and expectations of the manager being so high, being a good manager is a must. In fact, many managers spend time improving themselves and their team but don’t know where to start. Don’t worry, because we have got you on that front!


You can also start implementing new methods to your management on your own to see how it fairs!


Generally, employees appreciate open communication and greater appreciation if a job is well done. You should continuously be observing small successes your team has done and acknowledged them to boost morale!


48% of Employees Will Be Consisting of Millennials by 2020!

Image Source: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tdmc/your-money/millennial-lifestyle-decoding-the-choices-made-by-millennials-and-the-reasons-behind-it/articleshow/63299663.cms


With the Baby Boomers retiring more and more every year, this fact is inevitable. It’s a fact that the workforce will be filled with millennials, so you should be ready for it! But what exactly makes millennials so different from the previous generation of employees, like Baby Boomers?


Well, many surveys have concluded that millennials like feeling a sense of passion and purpose when working.


It means that they will prioritize enjoyment and self-satisfaction rather than salary when working. As a manager and an employer, it is pivotal that you know this information, to prevent any misunderstanding.


To transform the workspace to be better suited for millennials, you should be implementing more goals during work.


Other than that, you should also start open communication sessions and create more side projects. This way, their strive for purpose is fulfilled when working under you!


91% of Employees Revealed that They Plan to Stay in Their Job for Less Than 3 Years

It may be shocking, especially for you as a manager, that employees plan to leave after 3 years. However, this isn’t necessarily for the reason you think! Many employees do not have an issue with the payment of the company, rather the opportunities it brings!


If you are having many employees who seem content with their salary and working environment quit. It might be due to the lack of opportunities and chances to get promoted in the prospective company.


An example of short-term jobs is fast-food restaurants. Many people leave that job after a few months. So, how do you not fall into that category when managing a department?


Well, it is crucial to notice the work and effort put in by employees while working on projects. Another way is to put in a good word for them during managerial meetings, helping them get promoted!


Shockingly 71% of Companies Feel that Their Leaders and Managers are Inadequate to Lead the Business in the Future!

Image Source: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/254547


Every company hopes to achieve the pinnacle of effective leadership, whether it be a manager or a CEO. However, what’s shocking is that many employees of companies (71%) feel that their leaders are unable to lead! You must be shocked at the statistics, but let’s discuss why!


The main issue, in this case, is the skill gap in terms of leadership, as many managers are retiring. Many millennials have confessed that they do not fully know how to lead a team. Because of this, they are unable to fill the empty shoes and step into the leadership role.


It could be due to the lack of free-will and customization, both emotionally and physically in the workspace.


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The Unemployment Rate is Set to Drop Drastically!

Based on an article by Forbes, the unemployment rate is set to be at a steady decline. With an estimate of 20.5 million jobs created by 2020, salaries are increasing by 0.1% every year! It will surely be an excellent opportunity for you as a manager to gain experience in managing!


Research has shown as time progresses, many employees value work satisfaction over salary. Often, many employees would instead work for less money to gain for a pleasant working environment. It is definitely something as you should be aware of as a manager.


Managers play a crucial part in improving job satisfaction as they are essentially the “boss” of the department. In many cases, managers make or break the job experience for many employees. So, be sure to set an excellent example for the team when working!



Managers are a role in the workforce that gets pressure from both ends, the boss, and the employees.


They have to be extra careful with their words and thread a fine line every day when working. Because of this, many managers get jaded over the years, give up, and subsequently disengage from the job altogether.


But for those who keep their heads held high and work with respect and dignity. Many managers like those have found joy in working, obtaining mutual respect from bosses and employees.


Although it’s no easy feat, it is definitely possible, with the right amount of hard work and perseverance.


As a great manager, it’s important to keep up with all the ins and outs of modern media. It gives you an upper hand in employing people and keeping them happy. Hopefully, through this article, you have found something that will help you in managing people!

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Article written by

Ryan Johnson

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